Our warm heart for the city of Narva

Heat generation


consumers of heat energy

We provide heat to up to 60,000 residents.


MW heat capacity

The maximum heat capacity is 160 MW.


km district heating network

We manage a 80 km long district heating pipe network.


€/MWh heat price

We sell heat energy to the end user at a price of 108.93 €/MWh + VAT (price from 01.04.25 will be 124.41 €/MWh + VAT).

About us

Narva Soojusvõrk is a leading company in district heating in the city of Narva. The company is engaged in the purchase, distribution, and sale of thermal energy produced at Enefit Power in Narva.

Narva Soojusvõrk manages and develops the entire heat network located in Narva, ensuring a stable heat supply for the entire city.

We have over 60 years of experience

Narva Soojusvõrk has been providing heat supply services for over 60 years. Since the year 2000, the company has been known as AS Narva Soojusvõrk.

All customers have convenient remote-reading heat meters

Customers may inquire about their consumption by contacting us for further information at: [email protected]

The Narva Soojusvõrk district heating systems have been certified with the efficient district heating label.

The district heating systems of Narva Soojusvõrk are efficient and comply with the requirements of the European Union Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU. Efficient district heating refers to a district heating system where at least 50% of the energy for heat production comes from renewable energy sources, 50% from waste heat, 75% from co-generated heat, or a 50% combination of such energy and heat.

AS Narva Soojusvõrk has been recognized for its good credit rating.

A high credit rating (A, AA, or AAA according to Creditinfo) indicates a company that has consistently shown good financial performance over multiple economic periods, has strong financial results, and maintains a consistent record of timely payments.

AS Narva Soojusvõrk is certified according to the ISO 9001 standard.